Monday, August 8, 2011

Trolley Ride

Last Tuesday we went on an adventure! My nephew and his wife had come over to Moose Jaw the evening before and Tuesday is a day my Mom doesn't have dialysis so it's a real day for her! We all drove to the visitor center on the edge of town and got tickets for a trolley ride around town! The trolley actually goes right by my sister's home so we see and/or hear it go by several times a day. This time we were on it.

As we turned left to go out of the parking lot I thought that since I'd posted a picture last year of the Moose from the side, I'd show the end you see from the parking lot!

 Continuing just to the left of the moose was this. I know there's a story here. Too bad we won't know what it is but it was too funny to not post! The moose is just behind the man holding the bear.
 I just took a few pictures of what we drove by. Here's the library. Mom and my sister have gone here alot getting books for Mom. She reads alot! This is an old town and the buildings have a good bit of age to them. They've taken good care of them too.
 This church has a very nice profile. Often on the weekends when we drive by there will be wedding parties having their pictures taken here, whether or not they got married there.
 Down and left a few blocks is an old victorian home that I forgot to take a picture of. I just took pictures of the yard. The house is home to a jewelry company and makes jewelry that is sold in home parties, etc. I went there a few years ago and got a couple of pairs of earrings. It's not the Yvette Moore gallery where I get most of my "Moose Jaw" jewelry but the yard is so awesome it was well worth a couple of pictures.
 Just think, in a few short months it'll all be covered by snow. The growing season is pretty short here, but they put on a big show of color that my Mom really enjoys! I think she still misses her yard and gardens from when she lived in Manitoba.
 I took the picture above, then swiveled the camera to the right a notch and got this picture of a church downtown that has a huge dome. It's a pretty imposing structure.
 One of the most photographed houses in Moose Jaw is the wedding cake house. There used to be 2 of them, but one burned down. It's also one of the homes that is decked out nicely for Christmas!
 This home is just around the corner from my sister's home. I just love the glassed in porch.
These are just a few of the gorgeous homes. My Mom and sister live in the old area of Moose Jaw and I could have taken a ton more pictures of very nice homes.
We're having a good time here. I'll be leaving soon to take Mom to dialysis. Today's Monday, a nonday according to her. I know she hates having to go for the 3 hours she sits attached to the machine and having to go 3x a week isn't fun, but she's so much healthier because of it.  Once she comes home, she'll take a nap and then come out to join us for the evening.
It'll be an interesting week here and I'm hoping to get some of my projects done that I brought with me. We'll see how much I get done!  I'm thinking maybe next year I"ll be a loom along..........that should be interesting at the border!!


  1. That will be a headline: Lady Smuggles Loom INTO Canada! Ha Ha!!! I bet the Pup would fit nicely into your van...they're made to travel!!! You could wind your warps before you leave! I'm so glad you and your Mom are getting out and having a great time!

  2. What beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing. I hope your mom rests well tonight. See you soon!
