Thursday, August 18, 2011

A New Voice

My Name is Ann and I am the new Thursday voice on the Tuesday Weavers' blog.

I recently introduced myself at a meeting as a weaver of cloth and conversation. I think that is an appropriate way for me to introduce myself to you as well.

My first loom
Sixteen plus years ago my husband gave me a table loom for my birthday. He knew I was attracted to handwovens as he watched me lovingly touch scarves and shawls and (Carol's) jackets every time I went to a craft show. He gave me this beautiful loom to encourage me to make my own.

Unfortunately, the timing was a bit off - I had a full time job, was starting a masters program and had a 3 month old daughter. I took a few lessons from a local weaver and then the loom went to live in the basement for about 10 years.

Schacht Inkle Loom
Six or seven years ago I pulled it out, dusted it off and found another local weaver to take lessons from. I threw the loom in the back of my car and drove up into the mountains to start learning all over again. I finished the first project.

This new instructor was into Scandinavian patterns and fine cloth. So I warped the loom with itty bitty thread in a Rosepath pattern. This kind of weaving didn't feed my yearning for texture and so my poor loom went back into the basement. This time along with the Inkle loom that I had picked up at a Guild meeting class. (It happens to be naked now but I do love weaving on it)

AACC Rocker Loom
In late 2009, I decided it was time to get my looms back out. I took that fine warp and mixed it with some bold colored wool for a wall hanging and then played with rags for the first time. For New Years I cut off the warp - a symbolic new beginning for my weaving.

In January 2010,  I found my way to the Tuesday Weavers at the Appalachian Arts and Crafts Center. I have been a regular there ever since. The group encourages growth, creativity and adventures in weaving. I have progressed from my table loom to a small floor loom to an antique barn loom. I have been weaving rag rugs on the barn loom for a year. I am in the process of warping it for a special order rug (plus many more since it is an 18 yard warp).

Cambridge Loom at the Center of Family Life
This past January, the Tuesday Weavers decided that we would do bamboo shawls for a challenge project. One requirement is that the shawl be 24 inches wide. Hummmm, my table loom can only weave to a width of 15 inches.

About the same time I found out that my niece was expecting a baby. So of course I would have to weave baby blankets. With those two needs I realized that I just "had to" get a floor loom for my home. Baby blankets and a shawl have been delivered to the new mother and now it is time to do the Tuesday Weavers Challenge.

So now you know a bit about me and the looms in my life. Next time I guess I will talk about adventure in weaving and life. Until then - Be Well, Ann


  1. Glad you joined us blogging. You have the weaving fever.

  2. Doesn't that loom look nice in your living room!! I reckon there's room for a few more....and that's how it begins! We sure are glad you joined our group, and I'm already looking forward to reading your blog entry next Thursday!

  3. Glad to see you here and taking over Thursdays! I look forward to seeing what you have on your looms!

  4. Thanks for all the baby goodies!!! Love them all!!

  5. Oh yes, colonizing the house with looms is almost a must! And a new voice is always a treat. Welcome!

  6. Roxie sez
    We also need to see how you store your stash. (That way, those of us out of state can drool over your supplies and take inspiration from them.)
