Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hat's Off to Maggie

  As a rule, when you tune in on a Wednesday, Maggie will be showing you unbelievable desserts.  She wows us with her culinary prowess and I usually end up drooling all over my laptop.

  Or, she's wowing us with her weaving (I still haven't tried turned overshot) or her beautiful knitting.  (How is that sweater going, by the way????)

  But today, instead of her Pastry Chef hat, she has on her Mom Hat.  For the last few years, her son has lived in Nashville, which is only a short three hour drive from here.  Today she is saying bon voyage as he leaves for sunny California and a whole new adventure.  What can you say?  He's Maggie's son..... he'll do very well!!!!

  Maggie was on my mind last weekend.  My brother's birthday is coming up, and he LOVES blackberry jam made from real East Tennessee blackberries picked in the summer heat.  (But, after I've picked blackberries in the hot summer sun, I do NOT want to heat up the kitchen, too!)  So, it was time to take those lovelies out of the freezer and make jam. 
  I decided to use Maggie's recipe, which is a two day process.  On Saturday, I plopped them into the large pan, along with the sugar and lemon juice, and brought them to a boil.  That's Sure Jell.  (This was a first for me!)  Then this mixture was cooled and covered in a bowl and put into the fridge for 24 hours.

  Sunday afternoon the lovely concoction was put back in the large pot, and with thermometer in place, brought back to a "rolling boil like lava"!!!  When it reached the correct temp, I filled my jars, screwed on the lids,  and inverted them for the correct 3 minutes before I righted them up and listened for the ping.
  Thank goodness there was a little left over....just enough for a couple of slices of toast!!!
  It was July heaven without the sun and the chiggers! 
  Now, two of those little jars are winging their way to Texas for baby brother's birthday.  My sister and I spoil him every chance we get....some things never change.'s to you, Maggie!  Wear your Mom Hat proudly, and give your baby boy lots of kisses and hugs and the best wishes from your fellow weavers and friends.  We are cheering for him on his new adventure!!!!
Happy Weaving!