Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So Happy To Be Here!!!!

  We had lots of groups visit us at the Center today.  They had a lot of interesting questions, and even a few wished they lived closer so they could learn to weave!  It was a good day to visit....they had they opportunity to see some of the steps involved in the weaving process.

  Now.....don't get the wrong idea!  Allan is really happy to back with us at the Center!  (This picture just interrupted his train of thought!)

  This is one of the warps that Tina & I wound on the loom a couple of weeks ago.  Allan is getting it threaded.

  Maggie started weaving on the southwestern warp today.....that peach fabric makes lovely weft.  These will be fantastic placemats!

  Bonnie got the first part of the tote woven today, and threw the handles.  That weft looks great in that warp.  This is going to be a beautiful tote!

  LaDonna bought one of Tina's baby throws, and we all got to see it today.  That's one lucky baby!!!

  Pat came to the end of her table runner today, and she is going to re-sley the reed for placemats.

   And now....for the mystery.......WHAT IS IT?  Allan brought the pieces he repaired, and no one remembers WHO asked him to do it OR what the pieces are!!!!!

  Any ideas?????

We hope Carol and Linda are having a grand time in Nashville!!!

As always, lots going on at the Center!!!

Happy Weaving!


  1. You were the busy lady for the day today. Thanks for your help on the tote. It was almost like grand central station. Lots of people and lots going on. Good to see Maggie and Alan.

  2. Hey I was there too ... cleaning, organizing and sitting under my loom.


  3. Ann....that's what you get for being UNDER the loom!!!! I'm so sorry I left you out of the blog!

  4. Another busy day in the sweatshop!

  5. I am sorry I missed all the fun! Could the parts have been for Charlotte? Didn't she buy a loom with missing parts?
