Saturday, July 9, 2011


  The songs of the cicada are part of warm Southern nights.  At times, it can get rather loud, in fact!  I lucked up on this one emerging from its exoskeleton on the steps.

  Just look at those eyes!

  They actually have 3 more small eyes on the top of their head, although they aren't as noticeable in this picture.

  I'm feeling a little bug eyed this might be time to get my eyes checked again.  Or, it could just be that I'm doing a lot of close work these days!

  It's time to do quarterly sales tax, and inventory for the first half of the year.  I've spent some quality time with the spread sheets and bank statements the last few days.

  I break up that activity with twisting the fringes on the scarves I wove at the Center.  I'm adding in yarn on the variegated scarves since the warp was natural.  That little crochet hook comes in very handy!!!

  I've serged the edges of four more of Carl's small totes, and have started working on finishing the button loop.  This has got to be done before they can be washed and dried. 


    This does NOT require close work...thank goodness!!!  I've got the small tote warp ready to throw the handle strips, and I'm ready to throw the 4th strip on the large tote warp.  I like to turn the raw edges in before I throw them since it makes braiding so much easier. 

  I've been listening to the CD of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.....just getting ready for the final movie.  The special effects in this movie will be unbelievable, and I want to savor every moment.  I read the book when it came out, but that was how long ago???  Weaving on these totes and listening to the story has been a great combination.

  And, this is really easy on my eyes!  The other four buds on the other Asian lilies were bitten off by something.....but I have really enjoyed seeing this one in the side garden.  My black eyed Susans are getting ready to bloom, along with the tube roses.  The cone flowers and glads are already in full bloom.

  So, I'll give my eyes a little rest this morning, and look forward to the song of the "jar flies" (which is what we called them when I was little.)  That night music takes me back to sitting on the porch swing with my Grandmother on hot, summer Southern nights!

Enjoy your summer evenings!
Happy Weaving!


  1. You have been busy, I feel like I haven't seen you in months instead of weeks. Next week!

  2. Roxie sez
    We don't have cicadas here in the Willamette Valley. What fascinating alien things they are.

    I love that your paperwork is backed by yarn and textiles! We know what you like best.

  3. What a busy lady your are. Tots, scarves and tax paper work. Amazing you have the time to go outside and enjoy your flowers and the cucadas.

  4. Busy, busy,busy! We have tree frogs which make a wonderful night and day background noise. I miss lightening bug myself, none on this side of the Rockies..
