Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back to Business

OK....so sometimes we need a little help getting started.  Big thanks to LaDonna for baking us some fantastic cupcakes to help keep our blood sugar high. 

We had a lot of catching up to do today. 

Carol, Linda and Ann have found their way back to the hills of East Tennessee, and tales of weaving north of the state line were the order of the day.

Nada, Ms. Ila and Ms. Bonnie were deep in conversation about what's been going on with them.  Ms. Trudy got busy weaving on her warp.

  Maggie got to be with us today, and offered to thread the Southwestern warp.  She discovered that a few threads did NOT make it on the tension box.....each bout was supposed to have 24 threads, and this one had 23.  Uh-oh.....Tina won't let me help any more!!!!!

Ann got busy winding her 12 yard warp.  She got a few scarves woven while she was on vacation.  Sounds like heaven.....weaving at the lake....enjoying nature.....weaving at the lake....swimming in the lake.....weaving at the lake.....oh well, you get the idea!

  Nada got to weave on the placemat warp for awhile today.  It feels good to be back weaving.

  And, Carl has moved to the barn loom.  He's a real master at weaving rugs!

  Meet the Tindell family from Waco, Texas!
  They were traveling through, and stopped at the Center.  This is a whole family of weavers (and even had a loom they bought on their trip in their van!)  Carol had a great time talking with them.

We love to talk to people about weaving!  If you're visiting East Tennessee, please plan your trip so you can stop in on a Tuesday....there's always someone weaving.....and we'd love to say HELLO!!!!

In the meantime......
Happy Weaving!


  1. I had such a good time today, inspite of the air conditioning not working. I actually got some fabric cut. It was fun.

  2. I thought you all were glowing a little bit! I sure missed you all today, but the grandbabies and I are having a really good time. See you next week!
