Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Go Away Whippoorwill Winter!!!!

The high for today is in the mid-50's, and little showers keep popping up from time to time.  But we were warm and happy at the Center today!

  Do you remember the warp that Tina wound way back when????  It was a 15-16 yard warp, and Ann put it on the rocker loom.  She has been working away on that warp.  But today was the end!!!!!

That roll of rugs just kept going and going!!!!  There were 8 rugs on there!  Three of them are going to Michigan in a couple of weeks.  We pitched in and knotted the fringes and the rest are ready to go upstairs in the Shop.  Team work.....it's the best!!!!
                                                    Sara has been hard at work on her first warp.  Don't you just love those colors???????

Today she was practicing her hemstitching.


  Linda brought her Dorothy loom to weave on today.  She has beautiful mug rugs in the Orange Peel pattern on it.  The warp is a deep forest green!   This is the loom that Linda got for practically a song, and fixed it up!

                  And, just for your viewing pleasure, our own laddie, Lanny!  I have more candid shots of him that I took, but this blog goes out to the world, and I wouldn't want to give away any secrets!!!!!!  I'll save those shots until I need some leverage...................

  So......sing away little whippoorwill.  Have your special winter-like weather.  We'll be weaving away............and the warmer days will soon be here.

Happy Weaving!


  1. Thanks everyone for help with the knotting of the fringe. It would have taken me weeks to get it done by myself - now all 8 rugs are done.

  2. I posted pictures of putting on the warp on Sept 1, 2010 - 8 1/2 months to weave 8 rugs - not so good in the production department - but there were days spent shelving, unloading, loading etc


  3. It was a fun day, wasn't it. Gotta love that leg shot!

  4. Yeah, Ann. I know you are glad to get that warp off. And yes, those legs.
