Monday, April 18, 2011

New Week

Have you ever had one of those weeks where life threw a curve ball at you and you just didn't get to your studio? That's been my week! This warp has been on the loom for well over a week now and it's still there! However, it is going to be off by the end of today. I am determined! There are less than 2 vests left on the warp so I can do that....and hopefully get another one on the loom as well!! Maybe not  on this loom but one of the others. I don't have a warp wound yet for this loom. I do love the peach, yellow and jade colors working together.
Saturday I went out to buy some peach serger thread. I have alot of colors but didn't have the peach. Sometimes I just buy regular thread if I just have a shorter warp. Some colors are harder to find in the serger cones.

 Spring in our yard is so pretty. We live off the road so no one can see our house. For us that's good but it is a shame that no one can see how big our bushes are getting. Every year or do DH gets long metal stakes and puts them in the ground in the bushes and then pulls them back from the driveway, trying to train them to go closer to the house. Doesn't look like it's working. We have to drive as far from the edge of the blossoms as we can. The other side of our driveway is a very steep drop so it's not a good idea to go too far that way!
 These bushes are probably 60 years old. They may be trimmed them back when the original owners lived here but we've been here since 1982 and we don't. I like the way they just grow. We have managed to get some to re root and then move them to other places in the yard but they haven't established enough to look like this....yet!
The blossoms are pretty huge too. Don't see that too often either.

So I'm back in the studio today hoping to make a bit of a dent in the list of things I need to do. I'm almost caught up with assembling garments from the last warps so need to keep pushing to weave more while I can!
Until next week.


  1. I hope you can get back to your studio today. You weave such beautiful things!

    What a nice bush that is!! So beautiful.

  2. That azalea is HUGE! So many of them were lost in the Easter freeze a few years back, but yours doesn't look like it was hurt at all! Lovely warp...great vests!!!

  3. When life throws you a curve, and weaving takes back seat, you do the best you can. I am glad that you can get back to weaving. Have fun. I love those colors together on the warp also. You always know what will look good together.

  4. Amazing colors as always! Glad to hear you are back at it today. My week has been pretty unproductive on the weaving front as well. That is just the way it is sometimes. Love the azaleas too!

  5. Azaleas take quite well to being pruned after they bloom. You COULD trim the driveway side back if you wanted to. Look up drop crotch pruning.

    And weaving always forgives your absence. that peach is soooo pretty!
