Saturday, April 30, 2011

And So It Goes.....

  Wheesseeee.....what a month!  What a WEEK!

  My heart goes out to all of those who were affected by the storms this week.  The storms trained through the South on Wednesday, and left heartbreak and destruction in its wake.
  My brother called from Texas Wednesday afternoon to check on me.....he was watching the Weather Channel and  thought I was right in the middle of a bad storm.  Wouldn't you know it, everything was calm outside at that point.  It seems that I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening checking on family (and about an hour in the downstairs when the storm got rather rough around here.) 
  Cell towers are out in Huntsville, AL, as well as power, but I was finally rewarded with a call from my niece on Thursday morning.  Thank goodness for those good, old fashion plug in phones.  She was able to let me know that they were fine there.  A tree fell AROUND my sister's car, but didn't hit it!!  My cousin from Chattanooga also called to check in, and they rode out the worst of the storm in their basement, too.


  Hail damage was severe here in this area, although it never did hail here at my house.  My peony, which I planted two years ago, was finally getting ready to bloom.  I just knew it was going to be shredded....but it was just bent over from the weight and the wind.  It's safely staked now to be enjoyed for awhile.  They have such a lovely scent.

  Thunderous hail caused a LOT of damage in Knoxville to cars, houses and businesses.  I was checking in with my daughter when it hit their area.  She and her husband went to their basement at that point!!!!

  I had been complaining about having to go up and down stairs all the time....thinking that maybe it was time to find a place that was all on one level.    After Wednesday night, I'm very grateful for my lower level!  I had my Coleman lamp and my go-bag with necessary stuff.  I sat and sewed for about an hour while I listened/watched the local station which aired continuous weather coverage. 

My warping board is also downstairs, and I got a warp wound for my next experiment.  I'm ready to start weaving today.....maybe I'll get to weave some this afternoon.

  I'll admit that I was one of millions that got up to watch the wedding yesterday morning.  I had BBC America on one TV while one of the networks played on another.  It was a lovely ceremony and the Abbey looked amazing.  I enjoyed touring the Abbey back in the mid '90s, and to see it all dressed up was a treat.

  Tomorrow is the first of May....a new month for new projects and events.  My calendar already looks busy!!!!  And, more storms are marching across the be prepared.  I think the Wolf Pup may get rolled downstairs..............

Happy Weaving!


  1. I think you summed it up very well. Ok, what is your next project? Is it a type of lace?

  2. I was wondering that, too. It looks interesting.

    Let's pray we don't get any more storms.
