Saturday, March 19, 2011

Here We Go Again!

  "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go!"  There are almost 200 tangerine sized yarn balls in that red tote bag!  (Actually, there may be more than 200....I quit counting after a while!)  In just a little bit, Tina and I will be heading out to Townsend for the Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival.  We'll set up our table with the straw looms that we finished up Tuesday at the Center, and then spend the morning sharing the love of weaving with lots of folks on this beautiful Spring Saturday.

  Everything is sitting by the door, just waiting to be loaded into the, Cici doesn't get to go!  But, I did set the inkle loom and the rigid heddle loom out to be loaded, too.   I put a chenille scarf warp on the rigid heddle has a couple of stripes of specialty yarn that I bought last week at the Porch Sale.  And, yes, that is one of the rigid heddles that I bought and shortened.  (Hack saws are wonderful tools!)  Tina is bringing one of her spinning wheels to mesmerize the masses.

  I am slowly, but surely, putting the warp from Sally onto Julia......I hated to waste that beautiful warp, and there is probably about 12 yards still left on it.  I chained each two inch bout from the sections and now I'm threading the Baby Wolf front to's very slow going.  Beaming on should be fun!  (not!)

We've had such beautiful weather the last few days that I just had to work outside some, too.  So, I haven't gotten a lot of weaving done.  The nice part about looms is that they'll wait for you!

Enjoy your Spring day!!!!


  1. No warp goes to waste with a thrifty weaver.

    The straw looms should go over a treat! Good for you. Have a ball at the fair.

  2. It was this weekend??? I thought it was next. Well, it wouldn't matter. Hubby is coming home today so I still couldn't have made it. Tell us all about it when you get back
