Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gettin' My Ducks In A Row

  Last Saturday, Ms. Joyce, Tina and I set up our little tables at the Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival in Townsend.  Besides the straw looms, we also had the Inkle Loom, a rigid heddle loom and Tina brought her spinning wheel. 

  And, DO weave!  (You already know we have men who weave at the Center, but here's a guy who really got into straw weaving!!!!)  Mom and Sis caught on very quickly, too.  It was a fun day sharing our love of weaving.  And, Tina and I had plenty of driving time to brainstorm teaching a weaving class (or two) at SMFAF next year.

  On the home front, ALL of the upstairs looms have warps on them!!!!  I cut the cat mat and two tote bags off of John last weekend, and I still need to tie that warp back on. (It's time to start cutting the jeans up for that long awaited hall rug!)   Mz. Emily has a new warp of small tote bags, and the first one should be finished up this morning.   The Center is having a Gala next weekend, and the weaving department partnered with the pottery department to donate a "Tea Party in a Tote."  This will also include some of Tina's handwoven napkins!  It will have an assortment of teas, chocolates and biscotti.  So, the rush is on to complete those small tote bags this weekend.

  Remember that sad mess of thread that came off of Sally?  Well, I did get it on Julia, and I've started the table runner for my daughter.  It's threaded in Italian Diamonds from Davison.  I love how the colors are all playing so nicely together.  And, now I can say that I've threaded a loom Front to Back!
  Not pictured is Parker Pup.  He still has the rest of the mug rug warp on him.  But, we counted the mug rugs last Tuesday, and we have plenty for the fiber festival in April.  I may even rethread that warp and do a different pattern to finish it up.  I'll think about that for a bit........
  So, now I have my ducks in a row, and I can weave a little here, and weave a little there!  But, for now, I've got to get to the post office so I can weave this afternoon.  Today is a tad bit chilly, so it's a good day to stay inside!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Townsend was fun wasn't it. I love it when all the looms have warps on them. That way I can weave a piece on one of them and then if I want a change I can switch over to something completely different.

  2. It feels good to have so many looms warped up at the same time, doesn't it.


  3. We had a great time learning how to weave on straws !! Thank you for teaching us.
    (Cheryl, Aric and Catie ...pictured)

  4. Sounds like a plan. All looms ready to go.
