Thursday, February 24, 2011

Road Trip!!!

What you see here are THREE happy campers weavers!!!  Yesterday, Bonnie drove down to R&M Yarns in Cleveland to get some supima for hand towels.  All of us ended up with a large cone of that!  Yes, Linda and I tagged along!  Since Tina had plenty of mop cord for me, I could look for other things.  And, there's always something you just gotta get!

I LOVE my 11 inch Schacht shuttle, but I need one that holds a bigger bobbin (we're getting ready to weave bamboo shawls for our challenge) and I wanted a bobbin that would hold more thread.  I found a Schacht shuttle that was 13 inches, and it takes a 5 inch bobbin.  It has the same sleek design that I love to hold/throw.  Can you tell I'm thrilled?????  I also bought a pair of wool & nylon handcrancked socks.  Candee said they are made by a little man that's 94 years old!!!!

Bonnie took a LONG look at the thread on the 1/2 price rack.  Decisions.....decisions!!!

Linda found a pair of socks that she needed to take home, too!  That, along with a few cones of thread made the trip back to her new studio!

  It was a sunny day....just right for friends to undertake a road trip! We had a wonderful, relaxing lunch before we headed back.  And, I think we all came home happy!  I'm sure that you will see Bonnie and Linda's towels before you get to see mine!!!!

Happy Weaving,


  1. It was a beautiful day for a road trip. Lots of fun.

  2. Looks like that bag is perfect for these shopping adventures!

  3. Oh great fun!!!! Can hardly wait to see those treasures show up on the looms!
