Sunday, January 2, 2011

Inkle-ing at the Lodge

New Year’s supper of grilled salmon over arugula with pomegranate vinaigrette, caviar pie with rye crepes. XC skiing along the arroyo, during a bitter cold snap here in the southern Rockies of New Mexico. We received another 6-8 inch blanket of new snow just before the temperatures dropped into the single digits (low of 2 degrees). Hopefully the snowy insulation will protect our treasured rosemary bush in the front herb garden. A few of the elder goats are shivering, despite our attempts to keep their little plastic shed warmer with a space heater. It’s tempting to let them all inside to warm up for awhile. Picture 10 goats lounging by the kiva fire, briefly rising for a disappointing taste of the the artificial Christmas tree! 
The snow was falling at Santa Fe Ski basin on Wednesday while our niece advanced quickly through the beginner ski school. David and I hiked the snow-packed Windsor Trail in the morning, then returned to the lodge to read (new Kindle for David from Santa) and yes, weave. I can’t be the first to weave in a ski lodge, but I did have a small audience of curious folks. This is only my second inkle project, but I’m weaving faster and the selvedges are much improved. I love this Schacht; it feels more like a sturdy wooden appendage than a loom. Now I just need to find an inexpensive bag for transport when it’s snowing, raining, blowing. I’m thinking maybe a tent bag from a camping store.
HNY everyone, and sorry about that frustrating TN/NC game!  Marta


  1. No wonder you thought it was warm in TN. That is cold. Your weaving on the inkle is so pretty. What is it going to be? Stay warm.

  2. Marta, It looks like you are having a wonderful time! Send us a picture when you are done so we can see!

  3. I love it....weaving at the ski lodge!!!! Maybe you can weave a little rag bag to transport your Inkle loom!
