Saturday, December 25, 2010


All was still and bright this morning on the Ridge.  We awoke to a marvelous White Christmas.   

It has snowed off and on all day, but the temps have remained above freezing, so the roads are clear.

After a quick breakfast of hot monkey bread and coffee, my son and his girlfriend got off to Nashville.

My sister left for Alabama after checking the road conditions between here and there (which included a call to our cousin in Chattanooga to check the highway conditions at his place!)  But, before she left, she talked to her daughter and granddaughter in Scotland.  The news there?  Cold and Snow!!!!

My brother in Florida's balmy there.  I've gotta call my brother in Texas....surely he didn't get any snow!

And a very Merry Christmas to my new son in law, who is our newest weaver in the family.  He had admired my inkle loom and the belt I made my now he, too, can weave away just about anywhere he would like to!!!!  Santa did such a great job!!!

I hope you got your wish for Christmas...I know I did!

Happy Weaving!


  1. Another weaver! Excellent! Merry Christmas, LouAnn!

  2. Ho ho ho, spreading that weaving goodness around! What a perfect white holiday indeed!

  3. It has been a perfect white holiday. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Christmas.

  4. I am glad your Christmas went well. We had a good one too! Those are some happy faces, did you give the first weaving lesson yet?

  5. Oh merry Christmas! What a magical day for you. May the goodness last all through the new year.
