Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Can't talk about what I'm weaving this week! Next Tuesday is our Tuesday weavers Christmas party at LaDonna's home in Oak Ridge. That's our deadline for the two projects that I am weaving right now. The first is for our gift exchange. We decided to each buy a mug and then weave a mug rug or coaster for it to give as a gift to each other. The other project was using some fairly fine crochet cotton, cebellia, I believe, either 20 or 30 to weave 2 narrow scarves. We can add a bit of our own yarn to this project. The yarn was donated to us years ago and we are trying to use what we have as a challenge. None of us have woven with this yarn before so it is interesting.
Of course, some people have woven their projects ages ago. But, not me! I have the mugrug almost woven and the yarn sits there for the scarves. It's going on the loom today. I'm using an even finer yarn for the weft, a 20/2 that I've got in my stash. That should be interesting since it's the finest I've ever woven with!!
So pictures next week.

Yesterday I went to buy a couple of poinsettias for our home. While there I asked if they had any African violet dirt. I've got a nice big garbage bag full. When we added on to our house in 1994, we totally redid the kitchen. In the process, we got 2 windows that butt out 18 inches. These have been great for plants, especially my African violets. Years and years ago I brought a couple of leaves home from my Mom's plants. They rooted nicely and have been potted again and again. I also buy plants once in awhile if the flowers are pretty.

 Here's the window by the sink. Most of these plants are so out of control that you can't see the cute little animals and figures that I have. The one plant by the faucet is a good example. The flowers are cute and pink. The plant itself is interesting. It grows and then kind of trails down and away from the pot. What I"ll do is just break off the end of it and put it in a pot of dirt and it'll re root itself.
I'm not sure what that branch in the vase is doing except maybe DH decided to try to root it in the house!
These are the other window by the desk. These are even more out of control. You really can't see many of my little sheep and rabbits or birds. Under there somewhere are some great ceramic birds that Hugh Bailey made.
Before Marta left to go back to New Mexico she brought some plants to the center for us. I got the orchid. We'll see if I can keep it going. Allan said to give it 3 ice cubes every 3 weeks. That they like to get dry. My African violets don't mind being neglected either. In fact they seem to thrive on it!
About every 3 years I have to go through all of this and re pot all of them. Looks like that's my job once the weaving projects are done!
So, heading down to the studio to tackle that challenge warp.....


  1. You go girl, I am right behind you. I have to finish my projects too! Today I mail off the California gifts Then the scarf and mugrug for the TW.

  2. My scarf is in the raddle....I really do NOT like this fine thread!!! We'll see how it goes! I think your plants are a bright spot in the winter landscape.

  3. Plant are wonderful. I am off to get my mugrug done.

  4. Oh my sympathies having to do a 20/2 scarf on a weaving deadline. of course you could always double it. LOL! Use it up faster that way too. ;)
    The windows look like a fun project just waiting to happen and those cute critters can come out of the jungle!
