Monday, October 11, 2010

Ahhh, The Weekend!

 I usually don't have weekends off like most people.  I usually have weird days off like Tuesday and Wednesday or Monday and Tuesday.  It enables me to be a Tuesday Weaver, which is great, but I miss all the wonderful things going on Saturdays and Sundays.  Here in east Tennessee, there are always things to do on the weekends.
  This Saturday, I was able to participate in the Foothills Fall Festival, and had so much fun introducing people of all ages to the magic of weaving.  I was also able to attend that uniquely American weekend ritual, shopping at Home Depot.  Now, I know they're open every other day as well, but there's something special about traveling the aisles at Home Depot on a Saturday.
  Since the temperature has started downward--though not very far downward this weekend!--I've been spending more time in the yard.  The guy I hired to mow this summer did a mediocre job, showing up every three weeks, and mowing down camelias and sage bushes in his hurry.  I cranked up my mower and took back control of the situation a few weeks ago.  This weekend, I scalped the hedge on one side and had to go to HD for some Round Up, the only thing my garden Guru, Jeff Ross, said would work on my Bermuda grass problem.  Problem being, it grows everywhere I don't want it to be.
Fall is prime planting time for trees, shrubs and perennials here, so how could I resist buying a few?  Kill Bermuda grass and replace it with something beautiful!  I got a rhododendron, six azaleas and a Dogwood tree.  I planted them and watered them in well yesterday, and have sketched out the plan for the rest of the backyard.  I also moved the Oak Leaf Hydrangea that's been struggling in a shady corner.  I plan on having as little grass of any kind as possible by next summer.  That area behind the Dogwood is going to be lots and lots of perennial flowers.  That dog behind the Dogwood will have a narrow, very long corridor to the left of the tree to do play and do other things dogs do in backyards.
  All this is a long way of saying that I haven't woven a pick in the last two weeks!  But I have made plans!  I was so inspired by Tina's baby blankets, and knowing two of my co-workers are having baby boys born this coming February, I've decided to wait on the double weave sampler and plan some overshot baby blankets.  I've been wanting to use some of the bamboo I bought earlier this year in a woven project, and I think it would be perfect, since it's anti-microbial.  I just need to decide on the pattern color:  blue or white-on-white?  Maybe both?  Now, THAT would be cool!  Blue borders with white-on-white centers!  Makes me want to go wind an warp!  See you later!


  1. Baby blankets in bamboo...whoo-hooo! That would be a lovely gift to get! The overshot would be an added bonus! I'm glad you are getting the chance to work outside now that it's cooled down.

  2. Your yard will look great. No grass, just garden. Wonderful. Only one strip to mow. Sometimes weaving has to take a back seat to chores or jobs. I know how that is.

  3. That will be a sumptuous baby blanket! I love working outside this time of year! We will however miss you tomorrow.
