Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday inspiration!

Pat brought in some Overshot she had done several years ago.  We were all very impressed with the design.  She got it from an issue of Handwoven.  I am not sure what the issue number is, I will have to check on that and post it.

Lanny brought in the yarn we had ordered from Jaegar Spun.

Such beautiful colors!!!!!  These are a fine wt, wool/silk blend.  I have seen scarves woven out of this, and they are unbelievable!

Ann has taken over the rocker beater loom for awhile and is carrying on the rag rug tradition.

I love what this weft is doing to the warp!

Karen, our newest student, is busy winding a new warp.  She finnished her first warp in record time.  So she gets to plan a new project.  She wants to make dishcloths out of some yarn she brought from home.  We did our figuring and here she is getting started with the beginning of a new project.

This afternoon, a lot of us trooped over to Linda's house to help her move a loom into the studio.  It was in the basement, and needed to go upstairs.  We went to work right away and in just an hour we had it all put together.

Lou Ann is going to add some pictures she took today too, as soon as she can get her internet to work.  So be sure and check back to see her additions.      Isn't that a great picture of "Loom Movers"?????  Linda looks so happy to have her loom upstairs in her new studio!

Until next week, Happy Weaving, Tina for all


  1. It is Ann that took over the beater loom. I did not get to see the overshot that Pat did. Guess that I was hard at work on my rug.

  2. Yep, Carol emailed me to let me know, I got that fixed in the post. LOL!

  3. I got the group shot posted (finally) because it is such a great picture of the team! We get the work done!!!

  4. That is a great picture---------but LouAnn you are not in it.
