Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Best Laid Plans....

No pictures today. It's been that kind of week.

First, on Saturday, I dropped by a friend's home about 10:30. They were loading the Budget rental truck with her things to move to Ohio. Her husband has Parkinson's and it's been a tough road the last few years. He will be going into an assisted living home and she's moving in with her son. She's like all of us with several hobbies and lots of things that are necessary for them. Because of the stress in her life, she hadn't finished packing. So I jumped in and helped. I stayed til 6:30 when we finally said the truck was full, my car was full of stuff to store until spring when several of us plan to go up to visit her, and we were exhausted.
What I remember of the day is her daughter continuing to say, I'm not getting her more boxes and Just pick the most important things to take. I kept biting my tongue. I made sure that the best things did get in the truck or my car to store. I still wonder whether I forgot anything. My friend was in  no shape to do more than tell me whether she wanted something I wasn't sure about. I hated for things to be left there for the new owner to just sell at a garage sale. We know the importance and monetary value of our things. Others don't.

Secondly, Monday morning our DD went to her first exercise class at the gym after having done alot of swimming the past couple of months. She is the one that tore her left knee up in March, had the surgery in May and has been rehabing the knee ever since. She's been swimming with a trainer 5x a week for at least an hour at a time. She works hard at it. So, she was in this class working out, modifying it alot so as not to hurt that left knee. About half way through the class, she suddenly felt her right knee pop and she fell. Yesterday we got her in with an orthopedist. Xrays look good, no break. He couldn't say he could feel her ACL in that knee. MRI was last night. I have the disc and we'll take it to see him this afternoon.
We're staying in a handicap room at a hotel this week until we find out exactly what's up because our house has about 5 steps to get in and her left knee still has a couple of months of healing left before it'll feel more normal. It still hurts. Using crutches isn't easy and she's always afraid she'll do something else to the left knee. We're using a wheelchair for anything more than a few steps right now. Our house isn't wheelchair friendly. This afternoon we'll find out exactly what's going on inside that knee and what our options are. This morning I"m taking her to class at college. Most of her classes are on the second floor of a building without an elevator. They've already begun to move the classes to other buildings with elevators. I'm official pusher of wheelchair until we can find out if someone on campus can do it for her. I'll have to get her to college at the least. Weaving, that'll have to wait. I have my books ready for today and a stack of magazines that will go back into the car to be gone through while I wait. You know, those magazines that you can't throw out until you've checked to be sure you have everything pulled out that's any good. Yup, that stack! It has been in my way but really, she didn't have to fall for me to get to them.....
So, our life changes again for awhile. We'll get through this like we've gotten through everything else that happens in our life. It's just always something!!


  1. I'm so sorry about K's knee! Bless her heart...and you, too!!! But, we just drop back and readjust our lives when something like this happens. Just think....this will give you some time to read and plan!

  2. Mercy, you have had a seige of it! Hope the knee heals fast. Will you get to sit in on the classes? Maybe you could help your daughter study.

    Blessings on your traveling friend. How hard for her! She is giving up home, friends, husband, identity and independence, and now her daughter wants her to give up comforting hobbies and interests as well.

    The daughter, on the other hand, has a full life of her own, and has to deal with a mom who wants to hold on to EVERYTHING, and it's just not possible. Obviously, your friend has not been able to sort and organize, and her daughter is probably annoyed to have to deal with it all! It's inevitable that she will do things wrong. It would take a saint to be patient when faced with such a huge, thankless task.

    Hope you leave a note for the new owners that your group will be happy to remove the leftovers for them.

  3. I hope that DD knee gets better real quick and that it is not a torn whatever. Let us know what the xray shows.
    That is a good idea that Toxie had. We all could chip in and take some of the stuff home for storage for your friend.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry , It was suppose to be Roxie. I miss typed.

  6. So sorry about Katelynn's knee! Sorry if I misspelled it, but I'm sure she knows my sympathy is sincere, even if my spelling isn't!

  7. DD's knee is worse than the other one had been. Surgery for sure. Will find out when tomorrow probably. Updates will be in future blogs!
    I made sure all the really good stuff was removed from that house on Saturday! The rest wasn't as wonderful. DH took his jeep full of her things to the office where he has an extra office that we'll store it all in til spring when we drive up to see her again. That's what friends are for!
