Monday, August 16, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

This morning was a beautiful, rainy day, cool enough to open all the windows.  It's heated up drastically since then, but I enjoyed it while I wove.
  Yes, my friends, there was weaving at Chez Davidson this morning!  The afghan project warp was tied on, the knots were wiggled through reed and heddles, wound on and the last rectangle was woven.  It was pretty satisfying to get that last one done, and then, I had enough warp to make some quarter-sized rectangles to use in putting my own rectangles together.  They're 4 1/2 inches long, in the pattern I've used throughout the project.  Inspired by Theresa's comment last week about white on white patterns, and by Sue at Thrums, who weaves amazing white on white silk shawls, I decided to make the small rectangles as a border across the top and bottom, or maybe interspersed.  I think the afghan is going to be oddly shaped if I just stop at the 16 rectangles.  How would I arrange them?  4 by 4?  Won't a square-ish afghan be awkward to use?  I know we settled on 16 because there are eight of us, but I think it needs to be, well, less square.
I really like the way it looks.  I think it's going to set off the variegated blocks well, and be interesting to look at, too.
  But, as you've read if you follow this blog, I've been wallowing in white, and it's time to move on.
Here are my colors for my double weave sampler, a red I really like and a... dijon mustard? Not so crazy about the dijon, which is why I'm going to use it in the sampler.  I don't know what I bought it for, but I do like the way it goes with the red.  I've only just started winding, and probably will just work on it through the week whenever I have time.  Busy week ahead at work, so that I can have Saturday off for the Clinch Valley Guild meeting.

In the meantime, happy weaving!


  1. I think I heard your big sigh of relief as you wove your last panel for the afghan. You'll hear my SHOUT when I do!!!! I have always liked that combination of red and "dijon" or dark khaki. To me it is almost classic. I'm interested in hearing about your doubleweave sampler.

  2. Yes, that red does go with that dijon very well. Glad that you have finished the afghan project. See you Sat.

  3. I love how you think of colors in terms of food!

  4. I love your white on white, very pretty. I think a square afghan is just fine.
    Enough room on the sides to tuck a little four legged friend next to you underneath the covers!
    One of my favorite color combos is yellow and red and that dijon is only a few steps removed from there. I think it will be lovely.

  5. Often it's that "weird" color that sets off a project. Combining unusual combinations can make a project just sing!
