Friday, August 27, 2010

Back at it!

I have started the threading for my Overshot Throws.  I have chosen a fairly simple design, but one that I have loved for ages.  Cat Paws and Snail Trails.  Since I am using a natural warp, I will be able to go anywhere with the weft.  I have lots of colors available to me.

The breadcloths I took off of Lillian are in the stack of "To be finished" items.

And Kate sits idle, waiting for me to put on the scarf warp I have already wound!

The Basil is ready to pick again, here is a shot of the last batch I took from the dehydrator.  I only plant basil every 3 years, I get so much when I do plant it last me that long!

It is good to be back home and back to work.  We had a great time at the beach with the family, everyone is happy and in good health.  What more can we ask for!

Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina
Logged 13.5 miles

P.S. This is really humming along.  If I had had more time today I would have finished, and woven a sample!


  1. I can't wait to see your "throws" all finished! This is exciting! Yes, it's back to real life for a bit (before you leave again!)

  2. Takes awhile to get back into the groove doesn't it? Katie'll be warped this next week, right?!

  3. I love the look of your yarns, all arranged by color.
