Monday, July 12, 2010

What was missing

Last week, I took a lot of pictures around the Center, and promised to send them to LouAnn and Tina, the Tuesday bloggers.  But when I got home, my computer wasn't feeling well.  Today, I will rectify that, since Mac's feeling better.
I know there were pictures of Tina's warps, but this one shows her in action, with the beautiful pattern developing.   She made two warps, and here is the second:
LouAnn was winding her new warp for her 8 shaft adventure.  Note the intense concentration.

 Marta was working on her placemats.

Pat is also working on placemats, and it looks like she's almost done with her warp.

  Bonnie is having trouble with her loom, so she finished her first placemat and cut it off to see if we can figure out what's wrong with the front beam.

Sharen's not sure she likes her new weft, but we all did.  I liked the previous one, too, but this one is quite pretty.

  Lanny's back from his trip to Scotland--no slide show, though--and is right back where he left off, cutting strips of fabric for rugs.

Carl is working on his new, much quieter warp, and on his new loom.

  Joyce is winding a new warp, too, for some new dish towels.

Several people were missing--Bonnie, Carol, Ann, Alan--but we had a good group, and the banana pudding was beautiful and delicious! 

I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
Happy Weaving!


  1. stupid font! wouldn't let me change it consistently! It only took me 4 hours to post this simple, silly post! wooohoo!

  2. Just wait until tomorrow, and we can do it all again!!!! Sometimes the cyber world isn't so friendly!!!!

  3. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow. It's been a nutty week for me as well!

  4. It looks so much brighter with the blinds open. Sorry you had such trouble, Maggie. Thanks for your trouble.

  5. What fun you guys were having!!! I weave barefooted, too, and I love being able to feel my treadles as I weave.
