Monday, July 26, 2010


  I was all set to tell you about my views on "need" and "want" as they apply to a new loom.  I found an 8-shaft Tools of the Trade loom for sale last week for only $750.  I am getting my quarterly bonus on Wednesday, and I was going to buy that loom.  I made space for it in my front loom room, and I'd convinced myself I "needed" another loom, especially an 8-shaft.  My Colonial is almost impossible to dress by myself, and since I live by myself, albeit with 4 pets without prehensile thumbs, dressing a loom alone is how I usually do it.
  I was excited about driving to Durham, NC to get the loom.  I've had a long, tiring, trying week at work, and really need the vacation that starts on Friday.  Lots of great things are happening while I'm off, but the trip to Durham would have been great, too.
  You know there's a BUT coming up, right?  On my way out of the farm this afternoon, barely out of the gate, I heard a weird, revving noise.  Then a knocking started. It stopped when I turned off the air conditioner to hear it better.  When I turned the a.c. back on, the noise got louder, then clunked a few times and the air conditioner stopped blowing cool air.
  So, that's where my bonus will be going, not to the loom.  When I'm done writing this, I'll write an email to the woman I was supposed to buy the loom from and give her the bad news.  If you're interested in the loom, she had it advertised on Homestead Weaver,
It's beautiful and affordable!
  I'll miss tomorrow at the center, not because of the air conditioner, but simply because I need some time in the sewing room, decompressing from the week at work.  I'll miss everyone, but I promise to weave a little, too, and tip my ice tea in the direction of Norris at noon.
Happy Weaving!


  1. Oh, Maggie! I am so sorry this didn't work out for you!

  2. I hate it when the car trumps the loom! It just doesn't seem fair.

  3. Not fair. I am sorry you had such a bad week. So decompress and have a great day. Enjoy your tea.

  4. Sorry about the car. I'm glad that if it had to happen, it did it when you got that bonus. There's a better loom out there for you in the future when the time's right!!!
    Enjoy your vacation. You need it!!

  5. Maybe the a/c fix won't be as awful as you expect? Let's hope it's simple and cheap.
    A pox on cars. Can't live with them, can't live without them! Is there no way to work on some of the dressing methods to make the Colonial easier?
    Enjoy the vacation. Stella puppy says don't forget to investigate everything around you with joy and wonder. I say don't bother to put it in your mouth though...;)

  6. Maybe it is just the fan, that shouldn't be too bad.
