Sunday, June 20, 2010

WWWW part 2 (AKA Tina's Butt pictures)

Saturday after lunch we gathered again for the learning part of the weekend.  Maggie continued on her quest to master the spinning wheel.

I began to impart my great knowledge of the Inkle Loom.  After all I had done it twice, so therefore I was the expert!

Ann is patiently cutting thread for her project.

Marta busy warping her loom.

After a couple of hours inside, I thought I would take a break and introduce Wally and Scout to the pool, by the time we were down we had all been in the water.  Scout seemed to enjoy it a lot more that Wally did!

By the time the evening rolled around, we were all plum tuckered out, and while Maggie and Joyce stayed overnight again, most of us headed home.

We got to work again on Sunday afternoon.  Carol is warping away on her project.

Bonnie got to join us, and she decided that she wanted to learn how to spin.  I put her to work in my new spindle wheel.

She really is getting the hang of it here!

Here Lou Ann caught me spinning some yarn for my daughter, while Bonnie watches.

Then it was time to go. The look on Maggie's face says it all.  Bella was waiting anxiously to see if she got to go home too!

We had a great time this weekend, and we are already planning a fall retreat!  I just wonder who is going to do the teaching!

Happy Weaving, Tina


  1. All I can say is I wish that I had been there on Sat. I just did not have enough time. Thanks to Tina for taking the time to do the Inkle training. Also for being so patient showing me how to spin. I think that I am going to enjoy it, if I can get the hang of it that is. For some reason my hands and feet don't want to work together. I will try again. Thanks you LouAnn for the use of your house and be sure to give Joyce a big thank you also. Just wish that I could be there sooner.

  2. Bonnie, the key to learning to spin is.....practice, practice practice. I know you will get it!

  3. Tina, please notice that I deleted the picture I had of your butt on my own blog! Sorry I missed your spinning lessons, Bonnie! And Bella is happy to be home with her furry pals, though she misses her new friends.

  4. Thank you Maggie! It was just too hilarious, there were many more of them too. Seems I always have my backside to the room.

  5. My house has been TOO quiet this morning!!! I miss my weaving friends (and my sister!) It will be a good morning to weave a little. I sat in bed last night and wove on the inkle loom, and my little warp is half finished!

  6. Did I hear fall retreat in this conversation somewhere???!!!...I'm marking my calendar now! There was so much going on...the pictures tell the story of how much fun we have when we get together. :) Sharen
