Sunday, June 6, 2010


We've had alot of fun writing our blogs each week and gotten into the routine of trying to think of something to write on our day. Hopefully you've been enjoying our efforts and getting to know each of us, looking forward to the next day's blog.
With summer coming on we're going to be moving some of our days around. Maggie is moving from Wednesday to Monday. I am going to be moving from Sunday to Wednesday.
Sunday will be kind of a free day. We'll see if we can talk some of our members that haven't been writing, into telling us a bit about themselves and their projects. We've got some other great weavers among our Tuesday Weavers that don't blog. They've got good projects going at home and at the studio. Sometimes Sunday won't have a blog but we're hopeful that every so often there will be. This schedule will continue til fall sometime.
So, you're mentally thinking what about Linda? She's been our Monday blogger. Well, tomorrow, Monday morning, Linda is having both of her knees replaced. She has some table looms warped and ready for when she's ready to do something. I think she's got a stack of books and handwork that she can do as she recuperates. I know she'll appreciate your thoughts and prayers especially tomorrow as she goes through a very tough day. 
We'll try to keep you all informed on her progress. She may be a Sunday blogger in a few weeks to let all of you know how she's doing. Yup, she's the one that bought the house next door and has been renovating it, getting it ready to be her studio. It's almost done now and by the time she recovers she'll be moving her looms over there!!! We're as excited about it as she is. Guess she's going to be learning patience for the next months as she recovers!
So, I'll see you all on Wednesday when it's my turn. I hope I remember to blog then....



  1. I'll start hospital reporting tomorrow!

  2. LA, Thank you. Keeping Linda in our thoughts and prayers for an uneventful surgery.

  3. Thank you all!! You are the best!

  4. Yes, Linda. Our prayers will be with you for tomorrow and your recovery.
