Sunday, May 30, 2010


My inlaws live in Atlanta. So when we can, we take off a few days and head south. Because DD is still recovering from her knee surgery, we felt this was the perfect time to head down for a day or two. It was a whirlwind trip! We got back about midnight last night. Because DD can't get around we didn't do our usual mall crawl. Instead she stayed home with Grandpa and several of us women went to the best place in town. It's Gail K Fabrics. We've gone there for years. In fact, it's got to be close to 20 years. They used to just take cash or checks for their sales, no credit cards. My Mother in law talked them into taking credit cards inspite of his not wanting to. Boy, the next time she went in to the shop, he was thanking her like crazy because his sales skyrocketed. No one carries cash like that anymore. This was years ago when they were still in a tiny place.
I just checked and they have a website. This place is about 6 minutes from where my in laws live!!  I love to weave handtowels, placemats and rugs but my real weaving job is weaving clothing for women. So, the vests and jackets that I weave all have buttons on them, from 3 to 6 per piece. I am the button lady. I have tons of buttons and look for them wherever I go. However, you never have enough, especially of certain colors. Once I use the buttons I have of, say, red, I am low for the next time I weave.  Getting down to Gail K's is great because of the choice. The price isn't bad either. Inspite of all those buttons I didn't find all the ones I need for the next warp that's going to go on my loom. If you look closely they don't have a ton of turquoise or blue ones.This section of buttons goes around the corner yet. There are lots of gold buttons and really exotic ones if that's what you want!!!I took a picture of the shop as you walk in the door. This is just a hint of what's back there. The bolts go way up to the ceiling all the way to the back of the shop. It changes each time I go as far as what's in the front. Right now they had wool for men's suits on the main front tables. Absolutely wonderful fabrics. Their selection of lace and silks is unreal. Also knits that remind me of those knits our Moms sewed us dresses from in the 60s. Everything! They buy close outs and over runs from all over. There was a really great shop here in Knoxville years ago on Kingston Pike. When it closed, Lee bought all their buttons and silks. That's the kinds of things they have. Prices are reasonable for what it is and there's always something to tempt me.
This time I just bought the buttons I had come for. Next time, I might look at the fabrics a bit more closely...
If you're ever in Atlanta, check their website to see the hours they're opened and then check them out.


  1. What a fun place! I found their website: I can't wait to look at all of it, and I'm glad you had a great weekend.

  2. That shop looks like a place I could spend some time in! What fun! I am glad you had a nice weekend!


  3. It's so hard to find good fabric stores anymore! Wish I was closer.
    Thanks for the website info LA!

  4. The days of the local fabric shop are almost a memory. I don't sew much, but once in awhile you just need a fabric store! I am glad you have that Carol, what a treasure.

  5. Yeah, the shop is wonderful. Sometime if we head to Cleveland for R & M and want to continue south, it's well worth it.........if you know what you want. Otherwise it's beyond overwhelming! Of course once you get there you'd change what you were getting anyway, but you have to have an idea of what you want, kind of like Mary Jo's in Gastonia, NC...

  6. Ahhhh, fabric! I will have to check it out!

  7. Glad you got away for a bit, even if it was a few day. The shop looks like it would be fun to look through. I will check out the web sit.
