Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mixed Emotions

First of all, Happy Earth Day! I really think everyday is Earth Day....that's where I am! If everyone just did the BEST they could do, it would make such a difference. Theresa, over at Camp Runamuck, posted a link to a Newsweek article that gives you a few things to think about and just go, "hummmm....."

Today was the last day of weaving at the Knoxville Museum of Art on the Wind, Rewind, Weave project. Carol, Carl, Pat and I were honored to get to weave today. When Carl and I arrived, we could hear the familiar sounds of Carol's weaving from the lobby....she doesn't miss a beat! There is a lot of cloth wound up on the cloth beam from the last few weeks of weavers, and the colors are just incredible.

As I wove today, a lot of school groups stopped by. These were mainly older students and it got a little noisy as they wound their bobbins. We also had some families that were passing through Knoxville and stopped to take in the exhibit. There was a real air of excitement as I wove. Once again I was drawn to warm, sunny colors. While I wove, Carl got a chance to take a closer look at some of the books in the book room. Then we switched places and I read while he wove. Some of the museum staff wandered into the book room and we talked about the exhibit and just being part of this wonderful project.

Pat arrived to finish up the day of weaving. As she was getting her materials together, we were joined by Tommye Scanlin. She will be the weaver with the responsibility of cutting off the warp tomorrow. Tommye has been such an active part of this exhibit, and it was a great pleasure to meet her in person.

So, I'm wiping my eyes, and saying "farewell." It's been fun.............
Happy Weaving,


  1. Yes, that article was one that made you hmmm. I got from it that the 3 R's are great, but putting in legislators that will actually affect change on a larger scale is better. ;-)
    Oh lucky weaver's getting to meet Tommye, I guess she untangled herself from kudzu!
    The colors on the weaving do look amazing and you've gotten some great pictures in that department. They look spot on.

  2. The local TV station is asking people to email them with ways you participate in earth day. I was tempted to write in and tell what the weavers do to help! We are wonderful recyclers!!

    Your weaving at the museum may be over but your work will last forever!


  3. Can't wait for the exhibit later when the great unveiling of all that fabric happens! I wonder if we'll recognize all the parts we did!
    It's been so much fun weaving on the warp. It really is sad to see it end!

  4. Glad you had fun. With the end of this will be the beginning of something new.

  5. Way to go Tuesday Weavers. You guys really did a great job!
