Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Warp That Keeps On Giving!

WAY back last summer, Linda sent me a link from Craig's List about two looms and the "stash" to support it. Long story short....the whole shooting match came to live with me. I named the rug loom, John, in honor of the man who had been weaving on him before he passed. John had a wonderful warp wound on already, but I had no idea how long it was. I graphed out the threading, and unwove to figure out the treadling pattern. It was the Hollywood Rug from Meany & Pfaff's Rag Rug Handbook. That was's now the end of March!!!!

Yes, you've seen all of this before, I know. But, that warp just keeps on going. I'm starting to have some threads twist as they come off the warp beam, and I keep trying to straighten them out. I have also had a few knots that have come through...but no big deal so far. I feel like a possessed weaver trying to weave it all off, which has presented some interesting twists, too. I wanted to use this latest rug on my screened-in porch, so I really wanted to weave at least 6 ft. so it would go in front of the french doors. When I was at about 38", the weft coming off the roll changed colors! The pink and turquoise became MUCH darker. I could see a color change in the roll about an inch in that was light again, so I started pulling off the strip until I got back to the lighter part. I have pulled all of the lighter strip off until it started to get dark again. The large roll of fabric still weighs 5 pounds....the smaller roll of dark weighs about 2 pounds. I only wish I had thought to weigh this roll before I started! (Lesson learned!) So now I'll weave until I run out of the light weft, and call it done!

It will be hard to stay inside and weave today....although it's chilly right now, the sun is shining and it is warming up. The mess of winter is hollering at me outside, and the honeysuckle is already starting to take over again! But, all around my yard are wondrous signs of new life...and
they're calling me out!

So, Happy Weaving, y'all.....enjoy this Spring Day!


  1. I just love that warp! Be sure and count to see how many rugs you get out of it.

    I can feel the pull of spring too!

  2. It will be curious to see how many rugs you get. Glad you managed to get the light colored rags all together. Your signs of spring are making me jealous! I'm just about ready for some sustained spring weather here.
