Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Spring!

You know it's Spring when there are shows everywhere! And, around here, you could just about throw a dart at the map and find some kind of festival or open house in that location!

Today the Tuesday Weavers and the Clinch Valley Handweavers Guild are at the Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival in Townsend, Tennessee. Although it is a three day event, we are only going today. They are having sheep to shawl demonstrations at the Visitors' Center as well as Border Collies and sheep herding....I'm hoping to sneak away at some point to get to watch that! We are set up at the elementary school.

I've been busy this week getting Straw Weaving Kits together, as well as yarn balls and straws to let people try their hand at this simple weaving.

This is my car all loaded up...ready to head to Townsend. Every car needs a loom!

All it lacked was my coffee carafe and lunch bag.....and ME!

I worked a little on my tote bags this week....Cici was a huge help. It had been so long since I had worked on that loom that I had to find my weaving journal to see how much to weave between the handles! I'm looking forward to getting back to that warp!

I hope all of you find time today to get outside and enjoy this first day of Spring!
Happy Weaving, y'all!


  1. Wish I could have come. We did well at the church wide garage sale though. Made and surpassed our goal. All proceeds are going to Compassion International-Haiti.

  2. I sure hope that you guys had a great time and maybe even sold something. I was a bit under the weather today. I am just beginning to feel better. Glad that you were able to start back on the to tote bags.

  3. Straw weaving kits!!??? You guys have the secret down there of weaving that into gold? :-)
    Sounds like a wonderful day. Cici looks quite happy to help.
