Sunday, February 21, 2010


First of all, this black warp with the bright accent yarn is what's just been on my loom. It's off already and tomorrow I'll wind another warp to take its place. I got the 2 olive color warps done and off. Talk about work ahead, serging, washing, sewing, handwork, crochet to get the pieces done but they're off the loom! This warp was just fun to weave because the accent was a variegated yarn. Black is hard to photograph so it doesn't really capture the pure excitement of the accent yarn but I smiled alot while I wove it.
Yesterday we were in Nashville antiquing. We hadn't gone in about 10 years. In years past, it would take us a day and a half to go through the 2 shows, one at the Fiddlers Inn and the other, Heart of Country, at the Opryland Hotel. Sad to say, we saw both and were done by noon! I guess ebay has made a huge dent into the antique world. Both shows were alot smaller than the last time we'd gone. I had DH take a picture of this blanket. It was hanging on the wall and at this show, I suspect they wouldn't want us to take pictures and I really wanted to catch the idea anyway. It's not a coverlet but more of a blanket. It's woven in two pieces. You can see the seam in the middle. It began even but very quickly the plaids didn't match. Not a problem. It's still very neat. It was woven in a fairly fine wool a long time ago and was in great shape. The warp was about an inch and a half of solid yellow, 2 rows of blue, 2 rows of yellow and then an inch and a half of the blue, 2 rows yellow, 2 rows blue, etc. The effect was quite pleasing.
If one was interested in weaving a blanket but was scared to do an overshot coverlet as the project, this would be a great way to get your feet wet. The hardest thing would be to beat those squares evenly so that you could sew it up the center nicely. We have tricks for that, don't we?!
Another alternative, if one had 4 harnesses back then, would have been for them to have woven it with a fold and then you wouldn't have that problem. It was just plain weave. Could have woven it with a twill too but then you couldn't have the fold if you only had 4 harnesses. You'd have had to weave it in two panels and sew them together.
Made me think of possibilities and that's a good thing!
Oh, the weather today is gorgeous! The temperature right now at 3pm is 61 degrees! What a change from the last few weeks. I'm not sure if we're being lulled into a false sense of security before the next snow hits, but we're taking it!
Hmmm, do I want to get that next warp on the loom or go outside and enjoy the weather?


  1. Just for a bit, go outside & enjoy this glorious day! I heard someone mention the "S" work this morning on the news! The more I hear about doubleweave, the more I have to admit I might like to try it!.

  2. That black warp is beautiful. It would put a smile on my face watching it progress. I hope you got out and enjoyed some of the day.

  3. If that person from Steinbach, who was on our blog awhile ago, checks back on our blog and reads the comments, I grew up about 20 minutes from there in Niverville. Would love to contact you!

  4. Carol, I always love to see your warps. The outfits you make are really something special, but the warps are the beginning. You do really beautiful stuff. An inspiration to us all!
