Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weaving Winter Wonderland

I had every intention of blogging about my Challenge Project just wasn't to be! When I woke up this morning I was greeted by this beautiful winter wonderland. When you live in East Tennessee, you learn to treasure these little treats as they come. We don't get a lot of snow as a rule, and it usually doesn't stay too long, either.
In 2006, we had such a day as this. My Mom had come over for the weekend; we were going to have a birthday party for her, but the weather caused us to postpone it until the next weekend. So, with fire in the fireplace, and the Hallmark channel going, she had settled herself in the living room to enjoy a movie. I had learned to weave the previous fall, and my first little loom was also in the living room: "nekid"!!!!! It was the perfect day to weave...that little loom was right by the sliding glass doors, and that snow was sifting down. What to do???
I had carpet warping board. But, I had kitchen chairs! I turned those chairs up on their bottoms on the bench, and they became my warping board. I measured out a warp for potholders in overshot that Tina had showed me in an old copy of Handwoven. It only took me three tries to get the threading correct, and by the end of that day, I had woven my first potholder. That's not to say my Mom didn't remark about the noise the treadling made while her movie was on!!!! But, she really enjoyed watching the pattern develop, and I treasure that memory of our day together. She snagged one of the potholders, needless to say.


  1. What a wonderful memory! Something to treasure each time it snows.
    You really are ingenious! Couldn't let something like not having a warping board stop you! The potholder looks great too. That was a very nice pattern!

  2. Memories are sometimes all we have, isn't that right Lou Ann. You and your mom and me and my Dad. 2 years ago today he passed in his sleep. But the memories linger on. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Isn't funny what can trigger a memory? Snowy days and weaving projects....that's all it takes!

  4. That is so sweet! I did that project first at the center, because Tina told me to!
