Friday, December 11, 2009


I have been doing more knitting lately than weaving. You can see my current finished object, a pair of wrist warmers for my daughter, here before you in glorious orangey red. Orange for those who know me is not my favorite color.

So when I got the blue warp rethreaded and rereeded, and retied on, I was really not expecting to like the random color I grabbed to spread all those lovely blues apart. But just look at it! It is beautiful! Now I really don't have ANY orange fabric to use with this blue warp. I do however have this funky blue with some (wait for it) orangey red trim on it. You can see the results of it here. I am using 5 inch wide strips of this rather thin fabric. I don't know what color hem I will use, maybe ORANGE.

Here is something else that is keeping me busy. Something about ritz crackers, peanut butter and chocolate that just brings that christmas spirit on me. ( Not to mention the pounds!)

Happy weaving and cooking, Tina


  1. Those cookies look really good! Do we need the recipe? How about bringing a few to the party on Tuesday? BTW, orange and blue look really great together and that rug will just shine. They kind of balance each other.

  2. Yes, we need the recipe. The orange warmers look nice. But that orange and blue rug WOW. It looks great. Amazing isn't it.

  3. I love those wrist warmers! And the rug, but REALLY love the wrist warmers!

  4. That fabric works great as weft! That little bit of orange just makes it POP!!! That's going to be a great rug. Your daughter will love those wrist warmers.
