Saturday, November 28, 2009

New at Blogging

I hope that everybody had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was different. I did not cook. I met my sister and her husband at a place in Greenville. The good thing about eating out is no clean up--very nice. The bad thing is not having the type of food you are use to. All in all it was fun.
Again today no time to do my weaving. But I can tell you about my venture getting to where I am now in weaving. I would drive by the Arts Craft Center everyday wondering what was in it. Well, I got brave one day and pulled into the parking lot. I went in. I was sooooo suprised. Not what I had expected. One thing led to another, I took the weaving class and was hooked. It is so much fun. Not to forget the wonderful people you get to know. The friendships you form and the bonds. The learning is on going. The possibilities are endless. It is so rewarding. I guess you get it. I love it.
Bonnie Manning


  1. Who knew that little building would offer so much more????? Aren't you glad you stopped by? We are!!!
